Su-Test Crack Free Download X64 [Latest-2022]
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Su-Test Free License Key [Mac/Win]

Su-Test is the diagnosis software for acupunturists

To use Su-Test you will need:
■ Wifi internet connection
■ MAC address
■ Computer with windows operating system
■ A printer
■ A camera
■ A pen
■ A wristwatch
■ A notebook
■ A stamp
■ A sound recorder
Su-Test works with FxCorp® Su-Test Kit
Test meridians of body with accuracy and precision
■ Detection of 24 main Su-Jok points in a balanced state
■ Clear graph, minimalistic design, easy navigation
■ Calculation of points is based on 80% of research conducted with patients
■ Automatical calculation opens a doors of possibility to use the Su-Test for patients for whom it was not possible before:
■ 45 years old
■ Obese patients
■ Patients with symptoms of pregnancy
■ Patients with chronic diseases
■ Patients after a surgery
■ Patients with paralysis, for example after a stroke
■ Patients with dystonia, as a result of a surgery or a traumatic injury
■ Patients after a cardiac surgery
■ Patients with a problem with the proprioceptive system
Su-Test Outline:
■ « Su Test » Proprioceptive system
■ Main Su-Jok points
■ The Su-Test Kit (the program)
■ Foot and Elbow tests
■ Tools and Materials (patients’ cards, reaserch tool in the format of a database)
■ Exams of meridians in their normal state
■ Exams of meridians in a state of complete imbalance
■ A graph summary of meridian tests
■ Measurement values of different points and their location on a body diagram
■ Color therapy recommendations based on test results
■ Color therapy software
■ Pen and a notebook
■ Printer
■ A stamp and a wristwatch
Su-Test Outline:
« Su Test » Acupunturist’s Neuromuscular Bioresonance examination
1. « Su Test »
2. Information for the therapist
2.1. « Su

Su-Test Crack + Activation Code With Keygen [Win/Mac]

■ Su-Test Download With Full Crack application is based on Java platform
■ Java 6 or above
■ Windows 7, 8, 10 is supported
■ 1.15GHz (or above) CPU
■ Su-Test Crack is Windows-based application
■ Su-Test can be opened in two different ways. If you have it installed in your computer (it runs in a tray), then you can find it by clicking its shortcut in your computer’s start menu. Otherwise, you can open the application from your desktop by right-click and choosing Open.
■ Software installation is a topic for our help and support please
■ Optional – output results from Su-Test can be saved in.csv,.txt,.png,.epub,.ods or.html formats.
■ Optional – results can be printed out as in MS-Word.
■ Optional – Su-Test can email a small application to print out results and send a report.
■ Optional – Su-Test can open the body segments in medical applications (such as Body-Analyzer) and send data between them.
■ Optional – Su-Test can create zen or sound meditation scenes for relaxation.
■ Optional – Su-Test can work with color, effect, and sound therapies.
■ Optional – Su-Test can work with the new brain-wave synchronization method
■ Optional – Su-Test generates reports in local and/or cloud-based server
■ Optional – Su-Test can support Chinese, Russian, Greek, and other languages.
Optional – Su-Test can work on touch screen monitors
Optional – There is an option to build custom gestures in Su-Test
■ Su-Test can work with any number of points on a grid.
Required – Su-Test can work on any number of points on a grid.
Optional – Su-Test can work with any number of points on a screen.
Required – Su-Test can work with any number of points on a screen.
■ Su-Test requires a large amount of RAM to be used.
■ Su-Test will close unexpectedly if the RAM reaches 512Mb
■ Su-Test requires a device with more than 1024 Mb of RAM to be used.
■ Su-Test will close unexpectedly if the RAM reaches 1024Mb.

Su-Test Crack+ License Code & Keygen Free

Su-Test is a software that is designed for various types of acupuncturists that works in the process of diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions. It provides a comprehensive and unified scheme for a patient’s diagnosis and treatment. It can be used by physicians, physiotherapists, acupuncturists, massage therapists, functional medicine practitioners and therapists.
To use Su-Test is very simple. As you open the software, it will ask you to create an account by entering your e-mail address. Creating an account will permit you to better utilize the tool and will also provide you with special Su-Test features. Creating a new patient means that you have made a new patient. You can add new patients into your database by visiting the patients tab in the main window of the software. You can add new patients by using the « New Patients » button or by clicking the edit button. You can delete the patients in the same way. You can get into the patients’ history by clicking the patients tab in the main window.
You can enter patient information by clicking the patient tab in the main window. These information include their name, age, sex, birth date, diagnosis, a photo of their body, test results and recommendations, etc.
You can add new needles at the specified anatomical locations. You can create a new needle by clicking the + button. You can create a new needle to treat a particular problem.
You can delete the needles in the same way. You can delete the needle by clicking the Delete button. You can edit the needle name by clicking the pencil button.
Once you’ve created a needle, you can assign it to a patient. You can edit the name by clicking on it. You can delete the needle by clicking on the Delete button and then assigning it to a new patient. You can delete the whole needle by clicking the Delete button and then recreating it.
You can edit the weight of the needles. You can change the injection depth and needle strength (which will be done by the software to optimize the treatment).
You can change the parameters of the feedback loop (such as the number of feedback cycles per second, the time before the next feedback cycle, etc.). You can create a new feedback loop by clicking on the + button. You can delete a feedback loop by clicking on the – button. You can edit the number of feedback cycles per second, feedback loop duration, time before next feedback cycle, etc. You can edit the color and size of feedback bars

What’s New In?

Su-Test is a diagnostic tool that tries to find out overreactions and imbalances that take place in meridians of your body. It functions as a Holistic diagnostic tool that is aimed at finding out chronic overreactions in meridians. It is the most advanced tool in this kind of diagnostic field.
What is Holistic Diagnosis?
Human body is a complex organism. For a long time, doctors have been focusing on curing diseases. They treat problems based on single diseases and their symptoms. At a later stage, they come up with more and more possible cures.
Fortunately, during the last 50 years, the diseases are not as contagious as before. In most cases, it is chronic diseases, which occur in our bodies due to wrong life style.
There are 2 main categories of chronic diseases:
• somatic diseases that occur in a vital organ of the body, including: physical diseases, internal diseases, etc.
• psychological diseases, when a disease affects our psyche due to stress and nervousness.
Holistic Diagnosis is diagnosing the body from its components and from every part of it. When diagnosing diseases, we will be exploring all the possible imbalances in our body.
In other words, we will be looking for certain physical patterns of reactions to specific symptoms, in order to detect chronic diseases.
For a holistic and effective diagnosis, it is crucial to know the body mechanics.
What Is Biorythmical Acupuncture?
Biorythmical Acupuncture is the oldest form of acupuncture that was known and used for thousands of years. This method is based on the belief that the functioning of the organs are based on the functioning of meridians which are the channels or the pathways through which energy flows in the body.
The meridians are like the traffic lines in our body. They carry certain vital energies from vital organs and to vital organs. For example, the circulatory meridian is responsible for blood circulation.
The meridians are located where they connect to nerves (called « reflex » meridians), as well as some organs (called « organs » meridians).
A malfunctioning of meridians can lead to the malfunctioning of the organs, the so called « functional organ » which is a key indicator in every Holistic diagnosis.
When doing Holistic diagnosis with Biorythmical Acupuncture, you need to test 24 main meridians in your body. These meridians

System Requirements:

* Requires a minimum OpenGL version of 1.3.
* Requires a minimum DirectX version of 8.0.
* Minimum OpenGL and DirectX requirements vary by video card.
* Windows 7
* 4GB+ RAM
* 4GB+ Video Memory
* 4GB+ Audio Memory
* 4GB+ Disk Space
* Detachable Hard Drive
* 64-bit CPU (Mac OSX Snow Leopard or higher)
* Mac Pro 1.3 (Mac OSX