Gaim Assistant Incl Product Key Free [Latest 2022]
par maksare, dans Non classé

Gaim Assistant is a plugin to Gaim that will allow you to forward messages to a
different screen name should you become away.
It’s quite handy for those of you out there that use AIM over mobile devices as well as at home. It has some neat features built into the current release.
Here are some key features of « Gaim Assistant »:
■ Account Forwarding
■ Forward Message Queuing
■ Auto Response Throttling
■ Forwarding Security Options
What’s New in This Release:
■ Changed Version Numbers
■ Updated im_recv_im to handle incoming messages of Auto-Response and ignore them (ie: don’t send them to the forward account and don’t respond to them).
■ Added option to disable the message sent back to the user
■ Disabled the message queuing option, for now. This will come back once I come up with a better way to do this. Current implemenation locks Gaim, so I am removing this option pending a redo.
■ Updated TODO list with more features for future releases. Thanks go out to all who have supplied them.







Gaim Assistant Crack+ Download [Mac/Win] [Updated]

Gaim Assistant Crack is a plugin to Gaim that allows you to forward messages to a different screen name should you become away from your computer.
Gaim Assistant Crack allows you to do several things with your Gaim accounts. One of the most important things it does is allow you to forward messages to your new screen name so that you don’t miss out on instant messages from people that use the same application. For example, you might like to forward all the instant messages you get for your laptop to a Gaim account that you are using at home for your IM needs. By doing this, you will not miss out on any IM’s while you are away from your computer.
Please note that Gaim Assistant Activation Code is not a replacement for PING! (you cannot connect to another user of PING with it though), it is intended to replace your default screen name with another.
Also, it is not necessary to use Gaim Assistant to have Gaim >2.0 installed on your computer. You can use it in conjunction with regular Gaim if desired.
If you use Gaim on a desktop or laptop computer, you probably will want to use Gaim Assistant. For a laptop however, it is probably not a good idea to use Gaim Assistant, since you would be limited to Gaim 2.0, due to the fact that Gaim Assistant is a Gaim 2.0 only plugin.
Gaim Assistant can be used in 2 ways.
1. Use the Gaim Assistant plugin’s « feature » button to do the forward. Simply run it, and it will ask what screen you want to put the message in. You are given the option to choose a username as well as a valid screen name. If you don’t have a valid screen name, you are given a default one. You can change this later by going into options, and inputting an alternate screen name.
2. Setup Gaim Assistant as a proxy. This is the recommended way for Gaim Assistant to be used. In this setup, you will specify 3 things. A server address, a port, and a username. If you leave out the port it defaults to 5236 if its a dynamic port, if you specify it it will use it as it’s port. If you specify a username, the server will forward a message for the specified screen to that user.
If you would like to use Gaim Assistant to just forward the messages for the instance of Gaim you are in at the moment, you can use the

Gaim Assistant Activator Free

There are several different plugins for AIM, but none that provide the same functionality as Gaim Assistant. Gaim Assistant has been developed
with the thought that this is the best AIM client for mobile AIM users. With Gaim Assistant you may have one Gaim account and different Gaim activities on the different accounts.
Gaim Assistant gives you the ability to have different accounts active at the same time. The main account can be your real account while the forwarded account can be
another activity, such as a work account or a Live Journal account.
Gaim Assistant comes with various options and it can easily be customized to fit you and your usage needs.
In addition to AIM you may also be using other services such as MSN or MSN Messenger (also known as ICQ). Gaim Assistant
can automatically forward your messages to Gaim with your other accounts.
Gaim Assistant is a small plugin that handles all the heavy lifting for you. It works off the correct paths so it doesn’t get the user’s
name confused with your account name. In addition to this, it will forward the messages that are been sent to you on the wrong paths.
Gaim Assistant is currently being released at,
If you have any questions please visit the site listed above.
Gaim Assistant is a free plugin. To get the source code and instructions on how to compile the code, see:
Documentation for installation
This plugin is distributed under the GNU General Public License.
■ Forward Message Queuing
■ Account Forwarding
■ Auto Response Throttling
■ Forwarding Security Options
■ Themes
Gaim Assistant Required Packages:
X-Chat X-Chat is required.
■ ChatZilla ChatZilla is required. ChatZilla is a free, fast, convenient, clean & secure web-based interface to chat with your
friends. ChatZilla features an easy-to-use navigation bar and a…

Gaim Assistant

Message Forwarding

Gaim Assistant

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2006 1:16 pm Post subject: Gaim Assistant v 1.0 Released
The Gaim Assistant has been released at,

Gaim Assistant Free Download

Gaim Assistant is a plugin that will help you easily forward messages to a new
screen name, allowing you to be more mobile when answering AIM and still
answer when you return to your desk at home or connect to work.
Run gaim-assistant.exe from your Gaim installation directory to install this plugin.
Plugin Installation:
Plugins are installed and run just like any other application. To run Gaim Assistant, simply open your buddy list, double-click the forward button at the top of your buddy list, and run it.
Copy/Paste Support:
Gaim Assistant copies text from your source to the clipboard and then from the clipboard to your target, so you can easily paste it into any application that supports clipboard.
Note: Some applications may not support pasting from the clipboard.
Removing a Forward Account:
If you don’t like what the forward account does, simply right-click on it and hit « Remove Forward Account ».
New Version:
Gaim Assistant version (Gaim 3.0) has been released. It features improved Auto-Response handling, along with better communication with IM servers.
If you have any questions, comments, or problems, email me at
Please visit for more information.

[.]) 3dsXpl (3dsXpl) (
Today I am here to announce the release of my latest and greatest 3D xPlaneX (3dXpl)
Bugs Fixed:
– Glyph is missing on fixed size resizes
– User can resize the viewport back to fixed size by holding down CTLR key
New Features:
– Added new flight model and throttle values
– Added ability to set throttle on run or on take off
– Added ability to set throttle on land
– Added ability to use control surface on land with model
– Added ability to use control surface on water with model
– Added ability to use control surface on water with altitude
– Added ability to use control surface on water with pitch
– Added flyThrottle function to control rotation of wings and engines
– Added auto pitch function to auto correct

What’s New In Gaim Assistant?

Gaim Assistant will forward incoming messages to a different account, if you are away or away for just a short period of time, and you would like to know when you return.
This plugin will let you know when you return to AOL’s IM network in the form of an email, you can then forward the email back to the original user.
Gaim Assistant Implementation:
Gaim Assistant is designed to work with all variants of Gaim. It does not have to be installed on your PC. You simply have to allow Gaim to access it’s API (Application Programming Interface) from a remote (that is, you) PC. All of the actions for the plugin reside on the remote PC.
Gaim Assistant Background:
Gaim Assistant is simply a mechanism that allows Gaim to communicate to a remote location should you be away for too long. It accomplishes this with a method that is quite different then Gaim’s « away » feature.
Using Gaim’s « away » feature requires you to be on the AOL network, and join a group that communicates information about your away status. This group is called « AOL Away », and the information it sends is a bitmask (list of possible statuses). However, you can only see this information if you are part of this group. Gaim does not automatically announce your away status to the people on your buddy list (if they are also using Gaim’s « away » feature).
Gaim Assistant is completely separate, and does not have any dependency on the « away » group. Gaim Assistant also supports « AIM Away » (The Away group that is used by MSN, as well as Yahoo and even Google Talk).
If you prefer, you can download Gaim Assistant, remove the plugins that are currently in your Gaim directory, and add the Gaim Assistant directory to your directory where Gaim lives.
If you do not know how to view your plugins directory, refer to the Gaim Guide:
Once you have downloaded Gaim Assistant, copy the plugins that are in this package to your Gaim directory, and the Gaim Assistant directory into your Gaim directory.
Take note of the API level of the plugin you have just installed. It is critical that you install plugins at the same level. Otherwise they can and will corrupt each other.
Plugins are denoted in the form of a 4 digit number

System Requirements:

As for my eyes, there are no problems but it is best to not look at the monitor for a long time, and that means that you should move the mouse less than 1/2 a second. All the information is shown in the bottom right corner, and it is best to keep the monitor turned off when you do not want to look at the screen.
The screen is very bright and it has no problems if you look at it from 10 meters away.
If you can use an extra keyboard and mouse, I recommend it since it makes it easier for