ITest Crack [Mac/Win] [Latest 2022]
par jammdevo, dans Non classé







ITest Crack (Final 2022)

iTest allows the user to administer an examination. The user is able to create multiple
test cases. Once set up, the user is able to show and run any of the available test cases.
Test results can be generated and subsequently, exported to Excel for further analysis.
iTest is very easy to administer and requires minimal technical knowledge to use. It is designed to
developers not computer scientists, and is meant to be used by anyone who has had experience
with computer systems.
iTest consists of:
• A Database Editor module that allows the user to create and manage multiple test cases
• A Test Writer module that allows users to show, edit and run any test case
• A client module that is installed onto a client computer which can connect to the server module
• A server module that manages all test cases and generates and prints results
• A Test Case module that defines what occurs when a user clicks on a test case
• A Test Suite module that controls the initial user acceptance of the system
• A results module that generates the results of any test case the test writer has been given
The design was based on the idea that developers would be the primary users. It was designed
with the developer’s friend-user in mind. This friend uses the products almost every day, and
iTest aims to make the product as comfortable for them as possible.
The original design is described on the company web site ( as well
as the original request for proposal. The user interface has been redone.
You can find more info about iTest on our web site:

If you want to download the software, visit our webpage:

or order a CD-Rom version on our site or contact us at:
[1] I no longer receive e-mail. If you wish to contact me, please send mail to the company
[2] (This information is provided to Open Source Matters
for the purpose of describing and documenting this software as freely
under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later.)
You can also get a version for yourself at
[3] (

ITest Keygen For (LifeTime) [32|64bit]

iTest is a tool that allows you to take advantage of the best of computerized examination.
iTest consists of two programs:
· The Database Editor – question/answer database and exam server
· The Test Writer – the programme installed on each client computer
A ˈquestion/answer database and exam server is the program installed on each client computer
The database and server is a program installed on the computer of each student or member of staff.
The database and server is a program that manages the question/answer database and user accounts.
A Qt application consisting of a Database Editor and a Test Writer designed for easy computerised examination.
iTest covers the following features:
The Test Writer:
The Test Writer is the written examination software.
This is designed to be installed on each client computer.
The Test Writer is a Qt application consisting of a Database Editor and a Test Writer designed for easy computerised examination.
The Test Writer is a programme to test the knowledge of candidates using a
Qt application consisting of a Database Editor and a Test Writer designed for easy computerised examination.
The Test Writer is a Qt application consisting of a Database Editor and a Test Writer designed for easy computerised examination.
The Test Writer is a Qt application consisting of a Database Editor and a Test Writer designed for easy computerised examination.
The Test Writer is a Qt application consisting of a Database Editor and a Test Writer designed for easy computerised examination.
The Test Writer is a Qt application consisting of a Database Editor and a Test Writer designed for easy computerised examination.
The Test Writer is a Qt application consisting of a Database Editor and a Test Writer designed for easy computerised examination.
The Test Writer is a Qt application consisting of a Database Editor and a Test Writer designed for easy computerised examination.
The Test Writer is a Qt application consisting of a Database Editor and a Test Writer designed for easy computerised examination.
The Test Writer is a Qt application consisting of a Database Editor and a Test Writer designed for easy computerised examination.
The Test Writer is a Qt application consisting of a Database Editor and a Test Writer designed for easy computerised examination.
The Test Writer is a Qt application consisting of a Database Editor and a Test Writer designed for easy computerised examination.
The Test Writer is a Qt application consisting of a Database Editor and a Test Writer designed for easy computerised examination.
The Test Writer is a Qt application consisting of a Database Editor and a Test Writer designed for easy

ITest Crack Free Download [Latest] 2022

iTest’s key features are highlighted:
· iTest consists of a Client application and Server application.
· iTest’s Database Editor – QUESTION/ANSWER database can be created either automatically or manually by the user.
· iTest’s Test Writer – is an interface to the QUESTION/ANSWER database that allows the user to write/edit examination material.
· iTest’s Database Editor – QUESTION/ANSWER database and Test Writer can be run on any OS with Qt installed.
· iTest’s Test Writer – can be installed on any PC with the help of the Internet
· iTest’s Database Editor is designed to ensure that questions are stored accurately with clear answers.
The Database Editor consist of:
· The Question/Answer Database – stores the questions to be asked in the examination. The Answer Database contains the questions and answers, in order that the answers can be checked against the correct questions.
· The Exam Server – is a server-based application, which answers the questions which are marked by the user.
· iTest’s Test Writer – the interface through which the user can answer and store questions and answers.
· The Test Writer consists of:
iTest Software Requirements:
· iTest is a cross platform program.
· The Database Editor must be run on an OS with Qt (Qt libraries). The TEST WRITER must be installed on the client computer.
· The Database Editor must be run on any OS with a web browser.
· iTest must be run from a web browser on a computer with the web server inbuilt. The iTest Server Application must be run on an Operating System with the Qt libraries and the web server.
Operation of the Server Application:
· The Server application downloads the database from the web server, which contains the Question and Answer information.
· The Server application loads the information and identifies which database file has been downloaded from the web server.
· The Server application then loads the database information into memory for use by the Database Editor.
· The Server application then communicates to the web server which questions the Server application has loaded.
· The Server application answers the questions based on the answers the Test Writer have provided on each system.
· The Server application downloads the answer information to the web server.
· The server application then updates the web server so that it is ready to receive the next question.
A typical screen shot of a Question in the Database Editor:
To use iTest, the

What’s New In?

iTest is an efficient but flexible, Windows GUI for database construction and computerized examination software.
iTest gives you several advantages over other tools available on the market:
· The ability to install and use a test database on a single computer without the need of a network
· The ability to give the examination from only one source – the internet
· Ease of creation and use of iTest databases
· Access to the database from any point of the world (server included)
· A very easy-to-use interface for editing, creation and administration of databases.
· Edit or create your iTest database using the most simple and comfortable software in the world.
· A database backend, which accepts all standard database formats (Microsoft Access, Excel, MySQL, Lotus Notes)
· iTest interactive mode allows you to preview your tests without ever making them.
· Automatic form creation from database tables
· Automatic form completion – from database data without the need of manual insertion of data.
· The ability to create custom form fields and actions without programming knowledge.
· The ability to test not only forms, but also textboxes, labels, buttons, checkboxes, menus, images and any other kind of object on the screen.
· Integration with many internet services. iTest can connect to an online database, a remote host and a local server to extract data from internet databases and use them.
· Intelligent error handling: iTest will refuse any attempt to extract data from the server that does not exist. In addition it will generate an error when trying to connect to a host that does not exist in order to ask questions or write answers.
· Ability to use forms to remember the answers of the previous exam.
· Examine from different browsers
· Exchange data between test editors
· Automatically synchronize your iTest database between computers
· Connection to other applications based on the use of the iTest database.
· Support for saving image files as questions and answers.
· Support for Microsoft Excel-based databases.
· Support for MySQL-based databases
· iTest can connect to databases that use DBase 3.0 (from RSCom, e-libraries and other databases).
· You can open databases made with wxODBC (for win32/w32) or PSODBC (for linux).
· iTest can extract data from MSN Messenger and Hotmail accounts.
· iTest can connect to an online MySQL or MySQLi server

System Requirements For ITest:

-CPU: Intel i3 or higher
-RAM: 4 GB or higher
-GB available space
-HDD space: 64 MB
-Windows 10 or higher
*The information provided here is for reference only.
*Please read and accept the Official Rules before playing the game.
We recommend that you use a mouse with a scroll wheel.
System Requirements: