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NAMEDATE.EXE is a command-line utility that will change the name of a given file to include the current date. For example, a file named somefile.ext would become somefile 25-Dec-2001.ext. NAMEDATE.EXE supports a few enhanced formats for display of dates including:
Format of Current Year, Month, Day, Time, and Timezone:
Current year: YYYY – Year
Current month: MM – Month
Current day: DD – Day
Current Time: hh:mm:ss AM/PM – Time
Current Timezone: TZ – Timezone
Format of Current Year, Month, and Day:
Current year: YYYY – Year
Current month: MM – Month
Current day: DD – Day
Current time: hh:mm – Time
Current timezone: TZ – Timezone
Format of Current Year, Month, Day, and Time:
Current year: YYYY – Year
Current month: MM – Month
Current day: DD – Day
Current time: hh:mm AM/PM – Time
Current timezone: TZ – Timezone
Example of File Naming:
Current date is November 25, 2001 and it’s a Monday:
Current date is November 25, 2001 and it’s a Monday:
Current date is November 25, 2001 and it’s a Monday:
Current date is 25-Nov-2001 and it’s 11:01 pm:
Current date is 25-Nov-2001 and it’s 11:01 pm:
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If you can’t type today’s date in either the file name or new filename then you can use the /FORMAT switches to specify a more user friendly date format. For example:
For example, /FORMAT:YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM would change the current date to « today » to « today » to « today » « today ».
There is no limit to the number of files you can use with the NAMEDATE application. If you want to rename hundreds of files to the « current date and time » format then use the /FORMAT

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NAMEDATE is a script created to take a filename and change the name of the file to that of the current date. An example of this would be the following: « NAMEDATE C:somefile.ext » produces « somefile 25-Dec-2001.ext ». NAMEDATE will replace any formats that are currently included in the filename with the specified format. In this case, the format would be something like « mm-dd-yyyy ». Specifying the « YYYY » would be required for the format to be correct on non-English computers. By default, NAMEDATE will append a file extension to any existing file extension, if needed. If a file extension is not specified in the command line, then NAMEDATE will add a file extension based on the filename.
Modifying the date portion of a filename is as easy as specifying a format string to NAMEDATE. Below are some examples of valid date formats:
F = The full month and date.
M = Full month name
D = Full day name
T = Full time
H = Hour(number)
Min = Minutes of the hour(number).
Sec = Seconds of the hour(number).
Y = Year
M = Month (number).
D = Day (number).
Mo =
D = Month name(number).
Wo =
Dr = Full day name(number).
W = Weekday (number).
T = Time (Hr:Min:Sec)
N = Month/Day of the year. (01..12)
Yr =
D = Day of the year. (01-365)
Y = Year only.
Hr = Hour in 24-hour format
Min = Minutes in 24-hour format
Sec = Seconds in 24-hour format
Min = Minutes of the hour(number).
Sec = Seconds of the hour(number).
H = Hour(number).
M = Minute(number).
S = Second(number).
W = Weekday(number).
Su =
Day = Day(number).
Mo =
Day = Day (number).
W = Day of the week (number).
Su =
Time(Hr:Min:Sec) =
H = Hour(number).
M = Minute(number).
S = Second(number).
Yr =
Y = Year only.
Hr = Hour in 24-hour

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NAMEDATE was originally designed to run on Windows 95/98/ME. It should work with any UNIX-like operating system, including Linux. NAMEDATE was originally written by Thomas Borman and has been modified by Dan Yack.
How does it work?
NAMEDATE uses the last extension value of the files in the current directory to decide which day, month, and year to name the file. This allows NAMEDATE to work with files in any directory structure, including directories containing hidden files and directories.
Specify date(s) to use with the format switch as defined below.
/ZZ:twoDigitYear = 2000-2099
/E:oneLetter = TML, KML, FDL, TNY, WOL, MOD, THU, MOM, SON, SAH, SUH, LTH, etc.
/E:twoLetter = TLY, FAD, ABC, DMN, MAG, CAL, SGT, TUR, GEN, CAY, MNT, etc.
/E:threeLetter = TLY, FAD, THY, MAG, CAY, SVN, SAV, SAG, NAU, DOM, etc.
/E:fourLetter = TLA, FAD, THY, MAG, CAY, SVN, SAG, SAG, MUR, etc.
/U:uppercase = use uppercase letters for day and month
/L:lowercase = use lowercase letters for day and month
/M:use the modification date for the name/date option
/O[YY]{+/- }[N] = add/subtract [N] years to the date
/O[HH]{+/- }[MM] = add/subtract [MM] hours to the time
/A[HH]{+/- }[MM] = add/subtract [MM] hours to the time
/A[HMS]{+/- }[SS] = add/subtract [SS] hours/minutes/seconds to the time
/O[HH]{+/- }[MM] = add/subtract [MM] hours to the time
/O[HH]{+/- }[MM] = add/subtract [MM] hours to the time

What’s New in the?

NAME (not NAMEDATE) is a command line utility for renaming multiple files with today’s date added to the end of the file name. For example, a file name somefile.ext will be renamed to somefile 25-Dec-2001.ext when NAMEDATE somefile.ext is run.
NAME was written for the personal use of the author. If you have an interest in becoming a sponsor of NAME please email me.
NAMEDATE.EXE [switches] filenames(s)
where [switches] may include
{Formatting Switches}
/Z: »[format] » = date format
/ZZ: »[format] » = enhanced format
/E: »[language] » = use [language] for day and month names (ANSI)
/EE: »[language] » = use [language] for day and month names (ASCII)
/U = convert any spaces in the filename to underscores
/L = Use the LAST dot for the extension (for filenames with multiple dots)
{Date & Time Modifications}
/M = use the file’s modification date/time instead of the current date/time
/O[YMD]{+/- }[n] = add/subtract [n] Years/Months/Days to/from the date
/A[HMS]{+/- }[n] = add/subtract [n] Hours/Minutes/Seconds to/from the time
{General Options}
/C = copy file instead of renaming it
/D = rename directories as well as files
/H = rename system and hidden files
/B:[n] = Set the buffer size to allow for up to n files per directory.
/S: »[path] » = rename or copy the files into directory [path]
/K = Kill target directory when used with /D (otherwise same as /K)
/KK = Kill target directory when used with /D (otherwise same as /K)
/Q = Quiet operation – no information messages
/Y = Automatically YES all confirmation checks.
/V = Display version information about NAMEDATE.
/? = Display this help information.
Formatting Switches:
/Z: »[format] »
/ZZ: »[format] »
/E: »[language

System Requirements For NAMEDATE:

The minimum system requirements are as follows.
OS: Windows 10, 8.1, 8
Processor: Intel Core i5-6600K 3.4GHz or equivalent
Memory: 16GB DDR4-3000
Graphics: Nvidia GeForce GTX1060 3GB or equivalent
DirectX: Version 11
Network: Broadband Internet connection with 13 Mbps download
Hard Drive: 7 GB available space
Software: Adobe Creative Suite, Web Player and other required software
Additional Requirements: