New! Maplesoft Maple 14 Added Portable (32 Bit)
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New! Maplesoft Maple 14 Added Portable (32 Bit)

The object of this program is to introduce students to Maple as a mathematics program and as a tool to learn using mathematics. An emphasis is placed on using Maple to solve problems. Students are required to use Maple in a laboratory module that is accessible from a web browser.
However, Maple also has two versions of its software, Maple and Maplesoft Maple. Maplesoft Maple, also referred to as Maple 14, is a suite of software tools for Maple designed for classes at the high school and university level. Both versions of Maplesoft Maple run on Windows and Apple OS X. Maplesoft Maple comes with a CD and includes a teacher’s manual. Maple is a stand-alone version of Maplesoft Maple that can be purchased or downloaded for personal use.

The 30 minute video tutorial has no material on the browser-based version, but it uses Maplesoft Maple.

The video tutorial was developed by James Denselow from the University of Auckland in New Zealand.

The purpose of Maple is to introduce students to mathematics and its tools. Students are required to complete a mathematical problem in Maple to teach them about Maple. It is recommended that students with little, or no, experience in mathematics do as much as they can of the problem themselves without a tutor. After the tutorial students are expected to do the problems on their own. In the laboratory module, students do not explain their solutions or get feedback from tutors. However, tutors do spend time each week answering questions. Tutors either reply via e-mail or answer questions via the web browser.

There are many tools that can be used in the Maple tutorial and many professional mathematical functions have been included.

When students are not doing mathematical problems, they are expected to review the math foundation that was taught during the tutorial. The tutorial does not progress any mathematical concepts from one lecture to the next. There is always time for students to learn more, yet the emphasis is on using Maple as a tool for learning mathematics. However, if the student does not have time to complete a given problem, they can skip it.

The laboratory module has no material for the web-based version, but students can visit the Maplesoft on-line lab.

See also

List of education software


External links

Category:Educational math software
Category:Free educational software


Internal Documentation
AUGI, Inc. Maple Documentation
Looking under this URL will find documentation on Maple’s internal functions, operators, and constructs.

functions= f1, f2, etc.
An actual Maple function is a named function that takes and returns Maple numbers. See this.

operators= op1, op2, etc.
An operator is a way to combine Maple expressions. There are a number of built-in operators, including plus, minus, times, div, mod, etc. There are also a number of built-in functions (and operators) that you may use to make operands when combining expressions: plus, minus, multiply, divide, exp, sqrt, round, mod, lcm, sml, and frac. See this.

operator= op1, op2, etc.
An operator is a way to combine Maple expressions. There are a number of built-in operators, including plus, minus, times, div, mod, etc. See this.

macros= Macro1, Macro2, etc.
A macro is a predefined function that you may define and use at your convenience. See this.

macros= f1, f2, etc.
An actual Maple function is a named function that takes and returns Maple numbers. See this.

Support files consist of documentation or other documentation that provides support or information about the features of Maple. Only select things are included in the support file. Links to this document are included in the Online Support index.
All of the Maple standard support files can be downloaded in a zip file called You can read more about creating a support file in this tutorial.

The research and development of Maple takes a lot of time and effort. If you like Maple, please consider a donation. You can also donate to the Maple Association to help with documentation development and licensing.

Looking under this URL will find documentation on Maple’s internal functions, operators, and constructs.
Maple Documentation
For in-depth documentation on Maple, you can follow the links in the bottom-left sidebar.

The above help message will appear when you type yes. Type the text yes in normal text.
Yes is a special variable in Maple that has a different behavior than ordinary variables and functions.