Page2RSS Crack Free Download [Updated]
par unityon, dans Non classé

The Page2RSS application was developed to be a small tool that gives you the possibility to monitor changes on given web page and create a temporary rss file (using the template) on your local PC. Then you can subscribe to this newsfeed. 
page2rss.exe [target-rss] [default|template-file]

source url of checked web page (can be a local file too)
compare-to a local file (last checked copy of source-url),
target-rss resulting rss feed (a local file)
default-rss default (internal) rss feed template is used
template-file used rss feed template (a local file)
title title of checked url (used in resulting rss)
/? help
Template macros:
%1 – given title or source « file name »
%2 – source-url
%3 – current date and time (in GMT format)
%4 – current date and time (in local format)
%5 – domain of source-url)

Resulting exit code is 0, if any change occured,
in other cases exit code is greater than 0.


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Page2RSS Crack + Free Download [Mac/Win]

Create a rss file after a local check (source file is the same as the local file, but for debugging purposes only)
The following example shows how to create a rss file after a local check of a given url with the same source file as the local file, but displayed as the local file of the url page:

« `
Page2RSS Serial Key.exe default.txt
« `

Page2RSS Crack (LifeTime) Activation Code

Page2RSS Crack Mac has been created and used to monitor changes on given web page and
create a temporary rss (xml) file (with a specific rss template).
Then you can subscribe to this newsfeed.
The application is built in pure java, hence, it is highly portable.
Page2RSS For Windows 10 Crack runs on linux, windows, mac.
Page2RSS 2022 Crack Main Features:
– Ability to monitor changes in a specified web page and create a default RSS-feed
template (for use with other application to monitor changes on given web page and
create a rss-feed automatically).
– Using templates you can create an rss feed file more easily. There is a sample
template (named « default-rss » located at « C:\Program Files\Page2RSS Cracked 2022 Latest Version\templates »
and named « default.xml » located at « C:\Program Files\Page2RSS\templates\default.xml »).
– Ability to define what are the indicators of a change.
– Ability to specify a start and end date, time, any file type change.
– Ability to define what will be shown on a web page (using a URL).
– Ability to define what will be shown on a web page and it’s source (using a URL).
– Ability to define a java application to listen to web page changes (using a URL).
– Ability to define what will be shown if the page would be already created (using a
– Ability to use a custom java rss template.
– Ability to set a custom title (of the rss-file).
– Ability to define where the rss-file will be saved (using a directory)
– Ability to receive automatic updates for the rss-file using an email.
– Ability to save the rss file in a local directory (when sending an email or using an
internal method called « Send Email ».
– Ability to specify the url for the « Get url for page on web »…
– Ability to specify the url for the « Save page…As pdf ».
– Ability to specify the url for the « Save page…As image ».
– Ability to specify the url for the « Save page…As Html ».
– Ability to specify the url for the « Save page… » (as a zip file).
– Ability to specify the url for the « Clear log ».
– Ability to specify the url for the « Clear search

Page2RSS Crack + (2022)

RSS is a web feed standard used for syndicating information. It was
developed by the RSS Wiki.
Resulting RSS file has the following structure:

– page title (not all entries have the title-tag)
– description of page (mostly)
– permanent link to page
– date and time of last change of page
– each tag, that represents a piece of information, is
contained in a tag. Each entry is
wrapped in a tag (that has a lower
xml-version than the -structure, i.e.
1.0 or 2.0). This ensures, that the -sources
are compatible to the original RSS standard.
– url of checked webpage (not all entries have the title-tag)
– description of checked page (mostly)
– permanent link to checked page
– date and time of last change of checked page
– a tag which is used to tag pages that have
one or more categories.
– url of checked page. Example:

– each entry is wrapped in an entry tag.
– url of checked page
– description of checked page
– permanent link

What’s New In?

This program creates the RSS file for given URL and a template file.
[-] target-rss (string)
[-] default-rss (string)
[-] template-file (string)
[-] title (string)
[-] source (string)
[-] compare-to (string)
Help description:
page2rss.exe [target-rss] [defaulttemplate-file]


Title and source are used to create the title of the RSS file (URL).
Default template-file has hardcoded defined macros.
compare-to is used to compare last copy of
the source-file with the current web source.

page2rss.exe %1 (%3) # update default.rss in default.htm
page2rss.exe >rss2.txt # create « RSS2.txt » from
page2rss.exe # create « RSS2.txt » from (should not be updated)
page2rss.exe demo -defaulttemplate # create demo RSS file from default.rss


Syntax (examples):
page2rss.exe [target-rss] [defaulttemplate-file]


Compare to String:
page2rss.exe [target-rss] [defaulttemplate-file]

[/?] [compare-to]
compare-to (string) a local file (last checked copy of source-url),

For all allowed options (see help), they are ommited if no option is given.

page2rss.exe %1

System Requirements:

OS: Windows 7/8/10
CPU: Intel i5 2500K
GPU: GTX 760
DirectX: Version 11
HDD: 30 GB
Network: Broadband Internet Connection
CPU: Intel i7 6700k
RAM: 16 GB
GPU: GTX 1080