Photoshop Elements 14: Free Download
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For those eager to study with a Photoshop instructor in person, Adobe has a Photoshop Mentorship Program. It’s designed for individuals just beginning to use Photoshop, and its fourteen-week online course is free of charge.

# Selecting, Starting, and Staying with the Refactoring Tool

One of the most popular tools included in Photoshop is the Refactoring tool. The Refactoring tool is designed to offer ways to select and change the structure of objects, including the ability to select just parts of a layer. It’s a powerful tool, and it’s worth practicing the basics.

The Refactoring tool provides the ability to reorganize the objects on an image. For the purposes of this chapter, I’ll be using only the Refactor→Refine Command and the Scale tool.

* Use the Refactor→Refine Command to add or delete objects to a layer.

* Use the Scale tool to enlarge, reduce, or crop a layer. You can also use the Fit Crop tool or the Transform tool to resize a layer.

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The focus of this tutorial is on the basics of using Elements but some advanced features like custom brushes and using vector graphics are discussed in much more depth.

1. Firstly, we’ll start with a new photo. We’ll add a little brightness and contrast as well as crop the photo to a more convenient size.

Step 1: Choose File > New > Photo to open the New Photo dialog box and then press the OK button.

2. The next step is to open the photo that we just imported in the document by pressing the Opens in new window button.

Step 2: The new document will open and the photo appears in the left side pane.

Step 3: To change the brightness and contrast of the new photo, click on the Levels tool at the top and drag it towards the bright end of the tonal range.

Step 4: You can make the image more suitable for web use by setting the color mode to Grayscale and the size to 100%.

Step 5: To crop the image, press and hold the Alt/Opt key and click and drag on the edges of the picture.

3. Let’s now add a layer of text.

Step 1: Select Layer > New > Text. You’ll be prompted to enter a title for the layer. You can add text anywhere in the document using this method, so there’s no need to place the text anywhere specific.

Step 2: Type the text and press Enter to exit the Quick Properties dialog box.

Step 3: If you don’t see the text layer, press the M key to select the Modify > Fill and Stroke > Fill and Stroke text tool. The Stroke appears in red and the Fill appears in yellow in the Tool Options section of the tool.

Step 4: In order to write text on the image, set the Stroke color to Black and select the Stroke style to Solid in the Tool Options section. This will prevent any feathering or antialiasing of the text.

Step 5: Under the Stroke Options section, press the Alt/Opt key and drag the Width slider to about 50%. This way, the stroke of the text will be thin but it won’t appear blurry.

Step 6: If you want to change the text so that it’s tilted to the right or the left, set the Rotation

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according to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare^[@bib28])^ (i.e., the method of taking bath or shower in a bathtub or bath, shower with or without seat, and the method of cleaning hair). Bathing in a bathtub was defined as drying hair with a towel and washing face, hands, feet, and so on. Bathing with or without seat was defined as washing face, hands, and feet using a hand, foot, and body washer. Bathing that does not include cleaning hair was defined as washing face, hands, and feet using only water.

Information about education, marital status, and medical conditions was collected by self-reported questionnaires, and the following variables were obtained: first quartile, median, third quartile, age, and body mass index (BMI).

All analyses were performed using SAS software (version 9.4; SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA). We analyzed the relationships between bath and other lifestyle factors using Student’s *t*-tests and ANOVA. The relationships between bathing and usual care and bladder cancer risk were analyzed using logistic regression analyses. We conducted statistical analyses stratified by lifestyle factors, including smoking status, alcohol intake, marital status, education level, and medical conditions, because of the interaction between these factors. *P*-values less than 0.05 were considered statistically significant.


This study was approved by the Institutional Review Board of the National Cancer Center, Goyang, Korea (IRB No. NCC2016-0001) on May 6, 2016. The Board approved waiving of informed consent because of the retrospective study design. This study was conducted in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration of the World Medical Association.


Among 6,748 subjects in the final analysis, 4,742 were never-smokers, 1,751 were former smokers, and 816 were current smokers (**[Table 1](#T1){ref-type= »table »}**). Among never-smokers, there were no significant differences in the characteristics of the study subjects, including sex, age, BMI, usual care, and bath, according to the quartile of skin irritation (**[Table 2](#T2){ref-type= »table »}**). Among current smokers, a significant difference in skin irritation was observed according to the quartile of skin irritation (*p* \< 0.001

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How to know which DataGridView cell is being edited?

I have a DataGridView and I want to do something only if user is editing a specific cell. I can handle this event (with CellValueChanged or CellEditEnding), but I want to be precise and to do this only if user is currently editing a specific cell.
I already have a list of the cells being edited (this is in the CellValueChanged event), but to do this I have to test the value of each cell being edited.


I’ve spent some time looking through the DataGridView and I’m not sure I’m able to answer this specifically, but what I did was try and figure out what was being edited, then looked at the DataGridView.SelectedCells.
I was able to figure out how to determine which cell was being edited by looking at the SelectedRows property, which has a value of null until you change it. As soon as you start editing a row, the SelectedCells list will contain that row.
Looking at the CellValueChanged event shows you which cells changed, and using the value of that cell gives you the value that was edited. From there, it’s a simple matter of if value = string.Empty then you don’t need to do anything.
In the end, the best I could come up with was testing the value and seeing if it was an empty string to determine if I needed to do anything. This solution seems kind of « hacky » to me though. Hopefully this helps someone out.
internal void dgv_CellValueChanged(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
if (dgv.SelectedCells.Length > 0)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dgv.CurrentCell.Value))
// Nothing to do…
// Do something


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System Requirements For Download Photoshop Elements 14:

Intel Pentium 4 or better
1GB of RAM
5.5GB of space available
DirectX 8
Windows XP SP3 or higher
Supported and Screenshots:
Aero Snap 3D
Aero Snap is a new feature of Windows 7 that allows the user to place windows side by side and also to split them into half and quarters of the screen. This new feature is not available in Windows Vista. The Aero Snap can be enabled in Windows 7 through the Personalization control panel in the Control Panel. To enable Aero Snap,