Smart Software Synchronisation Free Download For Windows
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Smart Software Synchronisation is a software deployment tool for Windows networks. It supports dependencies between software packages and grouping of multiple software packages into software groups, which can be assigned to different computers. Software groups can be extended through inheritance.
Text based configuration files are used. sss can deploy any kind of software that supports an unattended installation by eg. commandline switches, configuration file changes, autoit scripting. MSI files can be deployed by using msiexec.exe.
Give Smart Software Synchronisation a try to see what it’s really capable of!







Smart Software Synchronisation Crack + Download

Easily synchronize any application by using a Windows Network. It can be scheduled to run at a defined time or manually run by pressing the Start menu button. It supports software dependencies and groups, as well as multiple computers. It provides a simple way to install and synchronize software on any Windows computer.

Synchronization requirements

Currently, Cracked Smart Software Synchronisation With Keygen only works with Windows XP or higher, including Service Pack 2.
The program must also be run with administrative privileges.

Supported software

Note: some applications (e.g. Microsoft Outlook 2003) have been tested and include all expected features. Nevertheless, these applications can require certain specific settings, such as a suitable directory, storage or configuration file. Please check the application’s manual to ensure that these settings are suitable.

Smart Software Synchronization includes the following software:

To use this software, you must be logged in to the Windows XP computer. There is no dependency on a user account.

Required Settings

You must define the following settings on the Windows XP computers that you want to synchronize:

Directory to synchronize the software.

Storage directory for the software package.

App-installer.ini path or content. For example, « %programfiles%\Microsoft SQL Server 2008\MSDEInstall.exe ».

Synchronization settings.

Package name.

Multiple computers

If you install the software in more than one Windows XP computer, you need to define which computer should receive updates as new versions are released. In the installation wizard you may select a default computer to use for updates. If you use an automatic update method, the installation wizard will ensure that you select the correct computer. The wizard will then install updates on the default computer.

You must also define the « Default Group » of the software on the Windows XP computers. This default group determines which computer will receive updates automatically.


If you install the software in more than one Windows XP computer, you must explicitly define the directory where the software to be deployed is stored.

Synchronization progress

Smart Software Synchronization will synchronize software packages only once every time that it runs. So, if you run it manually, it will most likely finish the synchronization immediately. If you run it using a scheduled task, it will run when the scheduler runs.

Note: you can use sss to synchronize software on any Windows XP computer

Smart Software Synchronisation Torrent (Activation Code)

Software synchronization tools are able to synchronize multiple computers to a central server. Important software is then centrally maintained. This ensures that software gets updated and is kept up to date.
Smart Software Synchronisation For Windows 10 Crack supports software deployments by client, server or unattended installation.
Enable Smart Software Synchronisation on any computer:
Use the included or the online easy to use configuration tool
Graphical Smart Software Synchronisation configuration tool:
Configuration of Smart Software Synchronisation is done using a graphical user interface. The tool lets you configure dependencies and grouping.
Configuration files are text based, which means that the included tools can use them directly to synchronize the desired software.
In addition, Smart Software Synchronisation integrates the tools to upload and install software that was automated in unattended mode.
This software provides an easy to use interface for software deployment. The interface is completely user friendly and easy to use.
Software Grouping:
Software deployment tools are grouped into so called groups. Software groups can be organized by attributes such as author, version, state, priority or category.
This allows you to group multiple software deployments into logical groups, e.g. a group for client software, a group for server software and a group for software to be installed during the next maintenance period. This allows to manage different software teams or release planners.
Software Groups are stored in a database and can be extended by inheritance.
Software Groups and Attributes:
A software group can be used to classify multiple software deployments into logical groups. Each group contains a number of different attributes, such as author, release number, category and state.
Software Groups support inheritance: Software groups can be extended through inheritance, which means that one software group can be extended and contains another software group.
Installing Software:
MSI packages can be used to install software by using the tools’ wizard interface, which can import software packages from a file or a zip file. This includes also the ability to create installer packages by using the msiexec.exe tool.
MSI packages can also be used to synchronize and install software in an unattended mode. This way you can automatically install the software or synchronize updates and patch by using unattended installation. This is very useful for software deployments.
An MSI package does not contain a configuration file but allows you to add such a configuration file by using its install.exe tool. A text configuration file is much easier to understand and use than a GUI or an html webpage.

Smart Software Synchronisation Activation Key

This software describes a synchronization tool, which can be used to
i) handle dependencies between software packages and group of software
packages into software groups, which can be assigned to different
ii) handle user inputs, which can be used to control or extend an
installation. These user inputs are evaluated by a configuration file
to select the action to perform.
iii) provide an interface for the user to apply autoit scripts.
The software consists of two components:
* i) The configuration file, which is used to define the behavior
for various types of configuration files and user input.
* ii) The installation script. This script is used for unattended
installation, which is evaluated by the configuration file.
This software is distributed as a zip file, which contains a
configuration file (*.sss) and a script (*.sssxml)
About Smart Software Synchronisation:
i) Smart Software Synchronisation can be used to install pre-build
ii) Software packages and configuration files can be defined, which
are executed on a whole or part of a computer to be synchronized.
iii) User inputs can be defined, which are used to control and
extend an installation.
iv) User inputs are evaluated by a configuration file to select the
action to perform.
v) User inputs can be defined for eg. switches of existing software,
configuration file changes, autoit scripts.
vi) User inputs can be handled by inheritance. A number of
configuration files can be linked, which inherit the user input of
the parent configuration file. This inheritance can be used to
create an infinitely complex software deployment.
vii) Smart Software Synchronisation comes with a sample configuration file. This file is used as an example
for the configuration file for Smart Software Synchronisation.
viii) Smart Software Synchronisation can also handle a wiz file as
it’s configuration file.
Smart Software Synchronisation has a simple to use GUI (shown in the
screenshot below).
Smart Software Synchronisation works with Windows XP, Windows 2003
and Windows 2008.
Smart Software Synchronisation can not be installed on a computer
with an operating system, which cannot be installed on a computer
with Smart Software Synchronisation. Therefore, Smart Software
Synchronisation is not suitable for a large number of computers.
Smart Software Synchronisation takes up less space

What’s New In Smart Software Synchronisation?

Smart Software Synchronisation is a software deployment tool for Windows networks. It supports dependencies between software packages and grouping of multiple software packages into software groups, which can be assigned to different computers.

Software Synchronisation for Windows
A software deployment framework that supports software dependencies, groups, multicast groups and autodiscovery.
Smart Software Synchronisation can automatically install new software when required on any computer on the network. This works by monitoring the installed software and software groups and by detecting which software should be installed. It will keep track of which software has been installed on which computers and automatically install the new missing software when required.
Why Smart Software Synchronisation?
Smart Software Synchronisation is an easy way to centralise software installation on your network. It has been purpose built with a specific set of requirements in mind. It is distributed as a free stand-alone Windows application so that you can be sure it will work exactly as you need it to.
Centralised installation of software on any computer on your network
Computers can be added to software groups and all updates and installations will be updated when required
New missing software can be automatically installed if required
Over 200 software packages are supported
Recognises 0 to 4 characters of identification codes for software packages
Multiple software groups can be used
Ability to group files by type
Integrates with Clustered File Replication
Self healing process from any software package
Can be used in client or server mode
Easy to use, just double click install and follow onscreen instructions
Supported software packages:
AIsoft: AIsoft Drive Renamer
AIsoft Backup
Adobe Acrobat 10 or later
Apple Remote Desktop 10 or later
Arolla 3.0 or later
Autodesk AutoCAD
Autodesk Alias (
Autodesk AutoCAD LT
Avira AntiVir
Avira Antivir Plus Edition
Avira ASE
Backup RoboStudio 2011
Backup RoboStudio 2012
Backup RoboStudio 2013
Backup RoboStudio 2014
Backup RoboStudio 2017
Backup RoboStudio 2019
Backup RoboStudio 2020
Backup RoboStudio Ultimate
Bitware Backup and Replication
BlackStar Backup
BlueDragon Backup

System Requirements:

Dual Core 2.4 GHz CPU and 512 MB RAM (Compatible with Mac, Vista, and Windows 7)
5 GB free space on your hard drive
4 GB free space on your iPhone/iPad/iPod touch device’s internal memory
Requires the iOS version 7.0 or later
Please ensure the device is connected to a Wi-Fi network
You can check out the official Apple support page for more information about the limitations of Apple devices.
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