Zipedia Crack Free Download For PC [Updated] 2022
par granpai, dans Non classé







Zipedia Crack + Torrent Download For PC [Latest]

For years we have complained that Wikipedia
is not available for offline use. Finally a solution is
here! What would you say if we showed you that
the article you just wanted to view could be viewed
without you having to connect to the Internet?
That’s right, it’s Zipedia.
Zipedia is an extension for the Mozilla Firefox
browser that makes Wikipedia available offline.
You will find everything you need to take
down Wikipedia on your laptop, it will work as
if it was connected to the Internet, even for
mature articles!
Once you’re done reading, you can always
reconnect and continue your offline reading
from where you left off. Zipedia will store
your reading queue for later offline
This means that you can now take Wikipedia
with you. Internet connection is not needed
any longer, all you need to do is to sit in a
remote area and use Zipedia.
Even the offline Wikipedia: Search,
edit, and other advanced features are
available in this offline browser. It even
enables you to start editing Wikipedia from
Zipedia loads Wikipedia pages and other
resources into memory directly, eliminating
loading times. No more waiting!
In addition, Zipedia features a wildcard
search, even for articles that aren’t in the
cache. With the « wildcard » feature, you can
refer to and search other articles that are


Update July 2014:
Now you can use the offline version of Wikipedia right from the mobile versions of the browsers:


The offline Wikipedia you can access from your iPhone or iPad using these steps:

Open in your web browser.
Tap the Menu icon ().
Select Wikipedia Offline.

And then search, read, and edit Wikipedia offline:


There is no way to use the offline version of Wikipedia from other mobile browsers, such as for Android phones and tablets.
Previous answer:
Here is the wikipedia offline version you are looking for

Update on Oct 26th 2008: Wikipedia has launched a dedicated version of their Wikipedia Offline tool, but it is only for Windows users. You can access the offline version of the Wikipedia in the following browsers:

Safari for Mac or Windows

Firefox for Mac or Windows

Internet Explorer for Windows.


At a given time, maybe 30-50 articles, images, videos, etc can be stored in the offline browser.
This can be accomplished with a current version of firefox, by storing the wiki content into an html file, and then manipulating that html file and then mv’ing it to a default folder location.
This can be done with any external browser (e.g. Opera, MS Internet Explorer, Safari).
It is important to set a folder location as the default (most browsers have a default setting for this).
Only the wiki pages can be stored offline, and to do this, the wiki XML dump must be downloaded – the contents are listed below.
This can be done by knowing a given URL of the wikipedia XML dump.
As of this moment, the link is :
This is to be downloaded, and this will download the entire XML dump of the wikipedia site.
You can then access the wiki articles offline.
Then, Zipedia can be invoked with the commands line:
The ‘wiki’ part means that we are accessing Wikipedia pages. ‘Egypt’ is the title of the article that we want.
The Firefox window stays open and is ready for further offline wikipedia page accessing.
And, Firefox is able to invoke Wikipedia web pages without Internet connection.
Mediawiki Documentation
If you browse the wikipedia sites, the landing pages show the title, but then there is an extended link ‘wikipedia:MEDIAWIKI’ which opens the mediawiki documentation page for that article.
Mediawiki is an online, wiki-based database system.
To access the wiki, there is a login name and password.
When you click on the’mediawiki:’ link you will be presented with a page explaining the basics of mediawiki.
To use the mediawiki features, you will need to download the mediawiki source files in your firefox folder (the files are listed below).
You can then make a mediawiki installation.
Then, you can point Zipedia to the mediawiki folders and run mediawiki commands as usual.
The contents of the’mediawiki’ folder are the Mediawiki source files, the mwindex.html file, and the mediawiki database files.
Downloading The Wiki XML File (HTTPS)
Now, there are requirements of the wiki dump.

Zipedia Crack Free License Key

Zipedia can be used to view Wikipedia articles offline, without the need of browsing through them in a web browser.
The user can choose a file containing the articles he wants to read in a single zip archive.
After unpacking the archive, Zipedia will read the articles, and display them to the user.
The user can then navigate through the articles, by using the keyboard (tab, page up, page down).
The user can also search through the articles, using an arbitrary query.
If the user fails to find the article of interest, he can ask for it to be displayed (using the wildcard search).
In case of internet connection outage, the user will be able to browse through the articles he downloaded (or viewed on-line).
Besides its wikipedia reading capability, Zipedia can also be used to browse other applications wikis.
Zipedia works offline, without the need of Internet connection. It is not possible to download the wikipedia wiki dump, as explained below.
Zipedia is based on Firefox and firefox extensions (see source code).
For the purpose of this article, the wikipedia page is located on the server where you can find further information about the structure of the page / article.

Ok, this Zipedia is what I’m looking for, thanks. :)
But how do I get it to download wikipedia for offline use? There’s nothing in the Help section. Can I have a tutorial?


Assuming you’re using Linux (I’m assuming this since you’re writing about ‘zip’ as opposed to ‘xar’) you’ll need two files
The disk image of Zipedia that you’ll use for offline and a little bit faster performance.
The file holding the page contents (the wikipedia page itself)
You’ll need to download both of these two files.
You can then launch Zipedia.sketch using this command in a terminal:
tar xvfz Wikipedia.xml Zipedia.sketch

and that’ll result in a prompt to make sure you want to overwrite the existing Wikipedia.xml with the new one.
Then go to a convenient place for you, unzip the files and run Zipedia. So you’ll go to the place you’ve unzipped the files to and execute this command in a terminal:

What’s New in the Zipedia?

■ Show the contents of the current Wikipedia page
■ Show the contents of the current page in both English and
the language of your selection (select it from the main menu)
■ If you click on the text, the browser will open it
■ If you click on a link or image, the browser will open it
■ Search text: Wildcard search by title (needs Firefox 1.5)
■ If you click on the results, the browser will display the first
■ If you click on the image, the browser will open it
■ If you select an image and double click, the browser will
display it
■ Right click, then select « Save Page As… » (no need for
download the XML dump, but still save the page for the case
of someone being offline)
■ Press « Esc » to close the article if it is open
■ F5 : Open the browser (and optionally the current wiki page
is open)
■ You can save more than one copy (or an xml dump) by
clicking on the « Save Page As… » from the left sidebar
■ The page can be viewed from any computer with Internet
access (the page will be downloaded just once, unless you
have multiple copies on your computer)
■ You can switch to « English » by pressing « Shift-Z » (it
will not affect the language of the wiki text)
■ Example: Wikipedia:Qatar (and it will open a description of
the wiki article in English, in the same sidebar)
■ You can also search for the word « Qatar » and press « Shift-Z »
to switch the text to English (again, it will not change
the « Qatar » paragraph)
■ If you press « Shift-H » it will display the article in
« French » text (using only French wikipedia content)
■ Press CTRL+I to open the Wikipedia Help Center
■ Context Menu
■ Help: Open Wikipedia Help Center
■ Share: Share the current page in multiple ways, open
browser, send by email, upload, open instant messanger,
■ Synchronization: Download all pages from the wikipedia site
■…then sync offline

System Requirements:

System Requirements for Xbox One:
OS: Windows 7 or later.
Processor: 1.8 GHz Intel Core i5, 2.4 GHz Intel Core i7, or equivalent.
Memory: 6 GB RAM.
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 or AMD Radeon HD 7870 with 2 GB VRAM.
DirectX: Version 11.
Network: Broadband Internet connection.
Storage: 50 GB available space.
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0 Compatible Sound Card with a minimum hardware sample rate of 48 kHz.